Christmas Jumper Day -
We are supporting this Charity by participating in Christmas Jumper day on FRIDAY, 9 DECEMBER 2022. Students and staff are invited to wear Christmas jumpers for a donation. Payments via parentpay please.
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Carol Service -
Collection Brackley Foodbank -
We are collecting items for Brackley Foodbank. Students will be able to drop off any items in a box outside Miss Tye’s office. We will also have a collection point in reception if parents/carers would also like to drop items off. Any dried food/cupboard items would be welcomed; however it would also be nice for Christmas items such as mince pies, Festive biscuits, selection boxes and Christmas puddings to be donated.
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Year 6 into 7 information -
We loved meeting so many of you during our year 6 Open Evening on the 28th September. If you attended the open evening on the 28th September, please use this link to log your attendance and give us much-needed feedback! Feedback HERE If you wish to book onto a tour of our school during the normal school day, please contact reception on: 01280 846300 or Tours are available on the following dates and times and are limited in numbers.
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Grand Union Training Partnership -
The Grand Union Teacher Training Partnership are recruiting. If you are a graduate interested in training to teach at secondary level, gaining valuable in school experience while working towards your PGCE and QTS, then please get in touch. They offer a range of subjects as follows: Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, MFL (French, German, Spanish), Design Technology including Food, History, Geography, Business Studies, Computer Science and PE. They also offer an Assessment Only route to QTS: Are you an unqualified teacher/TA/HLTA meeting teaching standards but yet to achieve QTS?
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Covid and Flu Vaccinations -
We now have dates for vaccinations for Flu and COVID for some students in Years 7 - 11. Flu jabs are on 2 - 3/11/21. COVID jabs will be on 25 - 26/11/21. The eligibiltiy for Flu vaccination is 2 years - 15 years (not 16 year olds) and the eligiblity for COVID vaccination is 12 years - 15 years (not 16 year olds and over; or 11 year olds).
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- 22nd Results at MCS 2024
- 24th New school year 2022
- 11th Manners and kindness
- 15th Teaching as a career?
- 1st Bonfire safety
- Strike days 5th and 7th July 2023
- Silver DofE Expedition in the Peak District
- Stepan Novak Alumnus Visit and Book Signing
- New headteacher from September 2023
- Christmas Jumper Day
- Carol Service
- Collection Brackley Foodbank
- Year 6 into 7 information
- Grand Union Training Partnership
- Covid and Flu Vaccinations