

  • New school year 2022 - 24 Aug 2022

    We look forward to welcoming all students in Year 7 and 12 at 8:45am and all students in the other years for the start of Period 2 at 11:05am.
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  • New Building Completion - 8 Sep 2021

    We are delighted to unveil our new building which we have watched grow since it was started in 2020. This extension to the existing Wodhams Sports Hall houses two music classrooms, four music practice rooms, two multi-purpose classrooms that can be converted into one larger teaching space, four humanities classrooms, one PE classroom, two new changing rooms and a viewing terrace which looks out over our all-weather pitch. 
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  • Manners and kindness - 11 Nov 2020

    We are concentrating on manners and kindness again. Teachers can nominate students when they see acts of kindness and witness good manners this week. All nominations will be entered into a raffle with a prize for the winning nomination pulled from all the nominations. The following week students will be asked to nominate staff and the last week students will be asked to nominate other students for acts of kindness and good manners.
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  • Teaching as a career? - 15 Oct 2020

    Are you a graduate and interested in a career in teaching?If so, The Grand Union Training Partnership would like to invite you to come to our 


    on Wednesday 4th November 2020

    At 6 – 7pm

    Check our website for further details

    To register and receive log in details for the event, please email Kate Martin with your subject of interest and mobile phone number:

    Tel: 01327 350284 ext. 253
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  • Bonfire safety - 1 Oct 2020

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  • Money raised for charity - 4 May 2020

    Two students decided to change their hairstyles for charity....

    ANOTHER CLOSE SHAVE: Brilliant effort from our Year 9 student Seb, who shaved his hair live on social media for charity (Help NHS),…

    CONGRATULATIONS: Our Y13 student, Willow raised a sum of £620.00 for The Little Princess Trust! She cut off her long hair at the weekend and is donating it to the charity, for a child who has lost their hair.
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  • Strike days 5th and 7th July 2023 -

    Dear parents and carers You will have heard from the media that there are further strikes planned by teachers who are members of the NEU. These will take place on 5th and 7th July 2023. As 7th July is a training day this will not affect pupils. On 5th July, the school will remain open to years 8, 10 and 12.
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  • Silver DofE Expedition in the Peak District -

    A Remarkable Y10 Silver Duke of Edinburgh Expedition in the Stunning Peak DistrictThe stunning landscapes of the Peak District near Buxton and Bakewell became the backdrop for an extraordinary adventure as four groups of Y10 students embarked on their Silver Duke of Edinburgh expedition. Bathed in the warm rays of May, the expedition promised to be a memorable journey filled with challenges and breathtaking scenery. Day 1: Conquering the Heights of FlashWith an early start, the groups commenced their expedition from Flash, the highest village in Britain. The intricate network of footpaths presented a formidable challenge, but the descending route provided a welcome relief.
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  • Stepan Novak Alumnus Visit and Book Signing -

    Published writer Stephen Adutt, known by his pen name Štěpán Novák, made an uplifting visit to Magdalen College School Brackley yesterday, where he spent his formative years as a student. Now 90 years old, Novak's visit brought forth a wave of nostalgia as he revisited the halls and classrooms that shaped his early life. The author, who immigrated to the UK from Czechoslovakia during World War II, recently penned a novel titled "Karlovy Vary Goodbye", in which his time at Magdalen plays a significant role. Novak's return to Magdalen was met with great anticipation, as staff and students eagerly awaited the opportunity to meet the acclaimed writer.
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  • New headteacher from September 2023 -

    Dear parents and carers The Governors of MCS Brackley have chosen Mr Tom Hollis, our current Deputy Head Academic, to build on the strong legacy of Ian Colling by becoming Headteacher from September 2023. Mr Hollis was chosen from a strong field following a robust interview process in which candidates were tested and questioned on their educational philosophy and all the key strategic and operational aspects of school life. Before joining MCS Brackley, he gained a wide range of experience in excellent schools in Oxfordshire which has also helped prepare him for this next challenge. The Governors are excited to work with Mr Hollis and our wider community in continuing to move the school forward.
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