Football Education Programme

In partnership with Brackley Town FC from September 2025.

Students will be part of our Sixth Form with a dedicated form tutor, they will have timetabled tutor time, PSHCE and volunteering and choose from one of the three pathways:

Core Football: NCFE L3, Training and Fixtures. RE-sit/Functional Skills L2 English and / or Maths.

MCS recommended prior attainment: average grade 2 or higher at GCSEs/L2 taken

Football Plus: NCFE L3, EPQ and one re-sit, or 1 additional A-level course.

MCS recommended prior attainment: average grade 4 or higher at GCSE / L2 taken including either English OR Maths at 4 or higher; Grace 3 in the subject for re-sit.

Core Academic: 3 A-level options, EPQ, English OR Maths GCSE re-sit grade 3, Training & Fixtures.

MCS entry requirements: average grade 4 or higher at GCSEs/L2 taken, including either English or Maths at 4 or higher. Some A Level choices have additional specific prior attainment or study requirement


Please see a letter from Tom Hollis about this programme and an exciting opportunity to find out more at an Open Evening 6pm on Friday 7 February at BTFC.

January 24, 2025

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 11,

Post-16 Football and Education Programme

I was really pleased to announce before Christmas that we are now able to offer a Post-16 Football and Education Programme starting this September. We didn’t want to announce this programme before we had all the elements in place and so we weren’t able to promote it at our Sixth Form Open Evening.

There are many Post-16 Football courses running across the country. Mrs Bowers and I have both worked with some of them in previous schools, and I want to share with you all why we are confident this new Magdalen / Brackley Town partnership provides something additional, different and superior to other offers.


Magdalen Sixth Form has a record of high achievement in ‘adding value’ to our students. National data shows that over the last three years students at Magdalen get better outcomes than students with similar GCSE results. We put this down to excellent subject teaching and superb pastoral support.


  • Brackley Town are the leading non-league club in the county with great ambitions, a passionate fan base and a real commitment to developing young talent. Enrolling on the Football Development Programme will give talented players individual plans and coaching at the hands of UEFA qualified experts.


         The partnership between club and school gives young people a remarkable learning package: high-level football development in a professional club environment, alongside expert teaching and pastoral support with a programme of personal development including a personal tutor, ongoing PCSHE, Careers and next-step advice, Work Experience, volunteering, enrichment activities and the chance to continue learning in a mixed environment.


I’m pretty clear that there isn’t another football programme that can match our offer. For current Magdalen students there is the added advantage of continuing your education in a familiar environment with staff who know you and how you perform best.

Please make contact with either our sixth form team ( or Andy Thompson at Brackley Town

The club are holding an Open Evening for current Y11 pupils interested in finding out more about our Football and Education programme for next year - it is your future - Learn, Play, Develop with us.

Open Evening 6pm on Friday 7 February

Where? Brackley Town Football Club

When? 7 Feb 6pm

What? Introductory talk, Q&A, training session (come in kit with boots for AGP)

I will be present at the Open Evening too so I can answer any questions about the academic and personal development offer at Magdalen. I look forward to seeing you there or to speaking with you individually.

Best wishes

Tom Hollis