
The irony of well-targeted and quickly raised complaints is that their function is entirely positive.

We are very clear that we want to do the best job possible for every one of our students. We sometimes rely on students, parents or others letting us know where they have concerns or where a situation hasn’t felt ‘right’. Therefore, we’re keen to hear feedback and have our Complaints Procedure to support that process.

Please don’t hesitate to raise a concern with the most appropriate member of staff at any stage. This is almost always the colleague ‘closest’ to a situation - the class teacher, form tutor or adult who was involved.

If we haven’t managed to resolve things at that lowest, closest level then you are really welcome to contact me directly. The best method for this is to use the email address.

On receipt of your concern I will ask the most appropriate colleague to lead our response. They will be in touch with you and will keep me fully informed throughout the process.

If we aren’t able to resolve things for you at that stage, you can find more detail of the next steps in the full Complaints Procedure document.

Tom Hollis

Complaints Procedure