Start of Term Arrangements
24 Aug 2021
The new school year begins on September 2nd. Year 7 will start at 8:45 and years 8 - 11 and year 13 will start at 11:05. Buses will be arranged to reflect these start times for all year groups. Year 12 induction will take place on September 2nd at 8:45 - 1pm. Year 12 lessons will commence on Monday 6th September at 8:45. School will end each day at 3:10pm.
In readiness for the new term please check that your child has all items of uniform and equipment that are needed and order in plenty of time to ensure that they have everything that they need ready for the new year. Please be mindful of the school’s rules regarding hair colour, which should only be of a natural colour and rules regarding facial and other piercings - it is only permitted for students to wear one earring in each ear and no other facial piercings are allowed. Please refer to student planners or the website for further information, as necessary.
Lateral Flow Tests and Face Masks
In order to support a safe return to school under the new arrangements, students are asked to undertake two lateral flow tests before the start of term, 3 - 5 days apart. The second of these should, ideally, be on Wednesday 1st September. When you have done each test you are asked to submit the results by clicking here:
This will help us to keep tabs on how many tests have been done. If the test result is positive your child should not come into school and you should arrange for a PCR test. Test kits were distributed to students before the end of term for this.
If your child will be in year 7 or year 12 in September you can either get a test kit from a chemist or collect a kit from school on 1st September. (We realise that this means you will only be able to undertake one test before the start of term, but anticipate that this will be a minority of students). If your child has not done a test before and they need help to do this in school we will have a small capacity to help individuals once term has started. Our aim, however, is to avoid untested pupils coming into school as this increases the opportunity to infect others.
We are currently not expecting that face masks will be worn at the start of term, but if local Covid cases rise the wearing of face masks in school will be re-introduced.