Dear applicant
Thank you for your interest in coming to work with us at Magdalen. We are proud to be a place where people matter, and aspire to be the ‘school of choice’ for our colleagues as well as our students and their parents.
We value the importance of professional learning in all roles, a range of internal and external opportunities are provided each year. We use our five ‘inset’ days to develop as a whole staff, in core teams and as individuals in line with our school improvement plan. Formal appraisal conversations happen twice a year for all staff; everyone has an appraiser whose job is to know you and your work really well; providing support, encouragement and challenge.
All teaching staff have access to resources and support from The Great Teaching Toolkit that supports our approach to teaching. Our specific focus this year is on the evidence-informed ‘Hard Thinking’ aspect. We also offer opportunities to complete NPQs for appropriate staff, as well as the opportunity to complete a research project linked to The University of Oxford. Faculties meet regularly to work collaboratively on aspects of their teaching led by our experienced group of faculty leaders. Our curriculum is well-developed to suit each subject discipline. Good quality resources and planning is in place for staff to use.
We welcome ECTs to join our school and have an embedded and developed programme of support, led by our Professional Tutor. ECTs have a timetable that reflects their experience and have dedicated time with a skilled mentor on a fortnightly basis. A wider schedule of professional learning sessions is in place across the year to ensure that staff new to the profession have the opportunity to learn about and reflect on vital areas of education.
Our support staff play vital roles in helping us deliver the education that will shape future generations. After induction colleagues are able to develop role-specific skills or to explore broader developments that will suit them and support the school. We have a track record of support staff moving within and ‘up’ the organisation over time.
The connection we make with the people that we work with is important to our happiness and satisfaction at work. There are various events throughout the year that aim to bring the staff together in a more relaxed context including those organised by the ‘Friends of Magdalen’ such as shopping events held in school, Christmas wreath making workshop and a gin & tonic tasting evening. 2024 will see the foundation of our ‘Staffroom Association’ to which all colleagues will be welcomed.
All new colleagues are supported by a bespoke induction programme and you will find a warm welcome from your peers and our wider community.
We always welcome visits and discussions prior to application where possible. Please do get in touch.
Best wishes
Tom Hollis