SEND Offer
The list below are some examples of the things we offer; it isn’t exhaustive and depends on individual pupil’s circumstances.
We offer:
- Quality first teaching by subject specialists who are given accurate information about the individual needs of the pupils in their class
- A curriculum to match individual needs
- Access to ICT or specialist equipment
- In-class support from Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) for identified pupils with SEND
- Catch-up programmes in literacy following Ruth Miskin 'Fresh Start' programme and online literacy interventions including 'Power-Up'
- One to one or small group work
- Homework support
- Access to a ‘key worker’ LSA
- Extra support from external services e.g. specialist teachers, Educational Psychologists etc.
- Access to screening for dyslexia
- Individual and small group support for anger management and behaviour modification from our Behaviour Learning mentor who is also a qualified Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)
- For pupils who qualify for additional government grant (called Pupil Premium) who are in the Magdalen College School ‘Focus Group’, access to 1:1 support from our Focus Group Learning Mentor
- Curriculum support lessons for Key Stage 4 students who opt for study support instead of a fourth GCSE option
- A supervised lunch and break club for vulnerable pupils
- Support for pupils in exams with access arrangements for those who meet the criteria set by the Joint Council for Qualifications
- Meetings with feeder Primary Schools to discuss year 6 pupils with SEND.
- Extended transition – ‘Fact Finder Day’ for pupils in year 6 and support in transition to Post 16
In addition to work with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities, the Inclusion Faculty also leads on our work with the Pupil Premium and Catch-up Programs