Reporting to Parents
We value the partnership between school and home. Information about how students are getting on is sent home at key points each year:
‘Progress Reviews’ – twice a year we will publish online (via Go4Schools):
· end of Keystage forecast information about achievement in each subject
· Attitudinal grades regarding Engagement & Behaviour, and Homework
· For students in Year 10 and above, percentages achieved in any recent internal exams
During the Autumn terms we often complete a review just using the Behaviour and Homework grades to check how students are engaging with their learning.
When we report ‘forecast’ information we use broad band descriptors rather than exam grades or the old-style National Curriculum levels. At each ‘Progress Review’ teachers record the current expected end point for the relevant curriculum stage (end of Year 9; end of Year 11; end of Year 13). For the end of Year 9, our expectations are outlined for each subject in the attachment below; for KS4 and A level we use examination grades.
End of Year 9 Subject Expectations
The band descriptors are:
Year 7, 8 and 9
This student is on-track to exceed our expectations of learning at the end of Year 9
This student is on-track to have secured our expectations of learning at the end of Year 9
This student is on-track to have met our expectations of learning at the end of Year 9
Not yet meeting
This student is not yet on-track to have met our expectations of learning at the end of Year 9
Years 10, 11
This student is on-track to achieve a high grade at the end of Year 11 (7, 8 or 9)
This student is on-track to achieve a standard grade at the end of Year 11 (4, 5 or 6)
This student is on-track to achieve a pass grade at the end of Year 11 (1, 2 or 3)
This student is not yet on track to secure a grade at the end of Year 11
Years 12 & 13
This student is on-track to achieve a high grade at the end of Year 13 (A or A*)
This student is on-track to achieve a standard grade at the end of Year 13 (C or B)
This student is on-track to achieve a pass grade at the end of Year 13 (E or D)
This student is not yet on track to secure a grade at the end of Year 13
Our tracking against these bands is deliberately conservative and is intended to take into account the relative progress through the curriculum. We would not expect students to be ‘on-track for’ the highest grades until they have encountered the more challenging elements of each subject.
Engagement and Homework
These important aspects of schoolwork are graded from ‘Regularly Exceeding’ down to ‘Often Failing’. Please have a look at this document to read more about the descriptions:
Parents Evenings and weekly updates
Every year there is a formal Parents Evening where parents and carers can make an appointment with subject teachers. This is an excellent opportunity to hear about successes and next steps. We encourage students to attend with you.
In addition to these formal reporting points, parents and carers have access to ‘live’ information about engagement, behaviour and homework via Go4Schools. Parents receive weekly email summaries of behaviour information.
What should I do if I have questions?
We are very clear that home and school working together makes a significant positive difference to outcomes and wellbeing for young people, and so we welcome your questions and involvement in the tracking process. Please use the guide below to help you contact the right person with any query:
A question about an individual subject should be directed to the class teacher
A question about a number of subjects should be directed to the form tutor
If you feel that you have a significant concern, please contact the Leader of Learning or Head of Faculty