Results and Certificates
A level GCE and GCSE results arrive in school on separate dates which will be notified to students and appear on the schools web site. Arrangements for collection of results will also be posted there.
Students wishing for a relative or friend to collect their results must send a signed letter of authorisation with the person collecting who must also have identification with them. This applies even if the person collecting is a parent/carer. Results will not be given over the telephone under any circumstances.
GCE and GCSE candidates not intending to collect in person but wishing their results to be posted, should leave a stamped addressed envelope (also bearing their candidate number), with the Examinations Manager or at the centre reception before the end of term – no post for school is delivered during the summer holidays until September.
Result slips not collected or posted on results day will be retained in centre for collection at the start of term, again with the necessary authority.
The examining boards issue certificates well after the examinations have taken place. The centre distributes the ones issued for the main summer’s exams at or after the centre’s presentation evening – if held. In addition we distribute certificates to students still in school and have collection details which appear on the school web site and are notified by text/email to students.
Students are required to collect in person, as these are valuable documents and we need a record of
collection. A friend or family member may collect them but only bearing a letter of request signed by the candidate and some form of ID.
Certificates uncollected after 1 year can be destroyed by the school. At present this is not the policy of the school. However if they have been destroyed according to exam board regulations or have been lost by the candidate, they can only be replaced by direct application to the boards by the candidate, and will require proof of identity such as an original birth certificate and a fee per certificate. The exam boards do not issue another certificate, only a letter certifying results.