Public examinations mark the end point of our studies at both GCSE and A Level. All administration and organisation of these exams is managed by our Exams Office. They are experts in the rules and requirements of examinations, and can provide information and advice to parents and students: exams@magdalen.northants.sch.uk
Important - Lateness/ Absence from exam:
If any student is going to be late or absent from a timetabled exam, please contact the dedicated Exams Absence phone number 07739 772650 as soon as you can. If your call is not answered please leave a detailed message.
Spring mocks 2025
All Y11 & Y13 students and parents will have received a link to their Mock timetable. This is from 'School Work Space', please mark as not junk as timetables will come from here moving forward. Students will receive a pocket sized, cardboard printout when we return after half term. We hope these changes will make it much easier for everyone to manage their day-to-day exams.
Summer exams 2025
All students must be available up to 25 June. We also strongly advise that all students studying for GCSEs are available on results day, 21st of August to secure their future options. Breakdowns of component results can only issued in person.