
Please use the links below to contact members of staff.

At Magdalen we value manners and kindness and respectfully ask you to address your email accordingly.

Thank you. Tom Hollis, Headteacher

Mr T Hollis

Mrs A Banks
Deputy Headteacher

Mrs  L Martindale
Deputy Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr I Horner
Assistant Headteacher

Mr J Lee
Assistant Headteacher

Miss E Tye
Assistant Headteacher

Mr S Singh
Business Manager


Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Mrs L Martindale

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Miss E Tye

Ms A Jones

Mrs C Cox

Mrs K Chambers

Mrs C Hurst-Ramsay

Mr M Percival



Mr M Smith
Leader of Learning for Year 7

Mrs R Bryan
Leader of Learning for Year 8

Mr R Richards
Leader of Learning for Year 9

Miss C Pringle
Leader of Learning for Year 10

Mrs C Low (maternity) Mr N Van Kan
Leader of Learning for Year 11

Mrs K Bowers 
Director of Sixth Form

Mrs K Bowers
Director of Sixth Form

Mr M Percival 
TGC Manager

Ms S Ansell
Sixth Form Admin Assistant

Mrs K Chambers
Sixth Form Pastoral Assistant

Miss P Childs
Acting head of Art

Mr A Wynne 
Second in Faculty

Mr C Terry
Teacher of Technology

Mrs N Scudamore
Teacher of Art and Technology

Mrs G Garner 
Teacher of Art and Textiles

Mrs H Tudor-Price
Teacher of Creative Textiles

Mrs W Tims 
Teacher of Food Technology

Ms V White
Teacher of Food Technology

Mr P Yaxley
ADT Technician

Mrs R Worts 
Food Technician

Miss H Rainbow 
Art Display Technician

Mr A Wittich-Jackson
Head of Faculty

Mr L Smith
Second in Faculty; Music

Miss J Stowell
Teacher of Physical Education

Miss H Timbrell
Teacher of Physical Education and Drama

Mr L Wharton
Teacher of Physical Education

Mr J White
Teacher of Physical Education

Mrs M Wilson
Teacher of Physical Education

Ms N Newman
Teacher of Music

Mrs H Digby
Head of Drama

Mr M Perris
Teacher of Drama

Mrs S McHale

Mrs M Morris
Assistant SENCO

Mrs C Cox
Behaviour Support Learning Mentor, Deputy designated safeguarding lead

Mrs K Addison
Learning Mentor

Ms C Smith
Learning Mentor

Mrs L Berrill
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs J Burton
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs M Cox
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs M Craske
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs S Falender
Learning Support Assistant

Mr I Goode
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs M Hodge
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs R Horton
Learning Support Assistant

Miss M McDermott
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs P Nascimento
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs J Noble
Learning Support Assistant

Miss J Rodgers-Kent
Learning Support Assistant

Mr C Ross
Learning Support Assistant

Ms S Sales
Learning Support Assistant

Ms L Singer
Learning Support Assistant

Dr N Dixon
Head of Faculty

Miss J Cherry
Second in Faculty

Mr D Griggs
Second in Faculty

Mr R Morgan
Second in Faculty

Dr A Bell
Teacher of Science

Mrs D Botes
Teacher of Science

Mr G Francoise
Teacher of Science

Mrs J Gilmore
Teacher of Science

Ms L Goyder (maternity)
Teacher of Science

Mr B Pulham
Teacher of Science

Mrs M Swan
Teacher of Science

Mrs S Evans
Senior Science Technician

Mrs R Bayer
Science Technician

Mrs H Davison
Science Technician

Miss L Newlands
Science Technician

Mrs L Holder
Head of Faculty

Miss E Kite
Second in Faculty

Mrs L Allen
Teacher of English

Mrs R Bryan
Teacher of English

Mr I Horner
Teacher of English

Mrs K Jones
Teacher of English

Miss J Lallis
Teacher of English

Mr J Lee
Teacher of English, Assistant Headteacher

Mrs L Martindale
Teacher of English, Deputy Headteacher

Mrs K Pratley
Teacher of English

Mr R Richards
Teacher of English

Mr N Van Kan
Teacher of English

Mr T Cronin
Head of Faculty

Mrs J Dutton
Head of History

Mr L Goodman
Teacher of History

Dr R Shelton
Teacher of History

Mr M Smith
Teacher of History

Miss E Tye
Teacher of History

Miss M Harding
Teacher of Geography

Mrs J Beaumont
Teacher of Humanities

Mrs T Brownell
Teacher of RE, History

Mr M Campling
Teacher of Humanities

Ms L Joseph
Teacher of Geography

Miss C Pringle
Teacher of RE

Miss J Stowell
Teacher of Geography

Mrs J Tyers
Teacher of RE

Miss J Wilkins
Teacher of RE

Mrs C Hurst-Ramsay
Head of Faculty

Mr S Bereit
Second in Faculty

Miss V Anderson
Teacher of Business Studies

Mrs K Bowers
Teacher of Health and Social Care

Mr L Goodman
Teacher of Social Science

Mrs C Williams
Teacher of Psychology

Mrs S Davenport
Head of Faculty

Mrs C Whiting
Second in Faculty

Mr J Ward
Assistant Head of Maths

Mr D Ajibade
Teacher of Maths

Mrs A Ballhysa (maternity)
Teacher of Maths

Miss A Berrington
Teacher of Maths

Mr C Craven
Teacher of Maths

Mrs C Low (maternity)
Teacher of Maths

Miss I Marshall
Teacher of Maths

Mr A Priestley
Teacher of Maths

Mrs N Roddis
Teacher of Computer Science

Mr M Popescu
Teacher of Computer Science


Dr H Wolfenden
Head of Faculty

Mrs S Brown
Teacher of Modern Languages

Ms M-A Ehrhart
Teacher of Modern Languages

Mrs M P Perry
Teacher of Modern Languages

Miss B Scott
Teacher of Modern Languages

Mrs L Wetherall
Teacher of Modern Languages

Mrs C Hurst-Ramsay
Head of PCSHE

Mr L Goodman
Teacher of PCSHE

Ms J Houghton

Miss R Cronin
Examination & Data Manager

Miss D Willmore
Examinations and Data Assistant

Miss A Jones
Pastoral Support Manager/ Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs S Davies
Year 7 Pastoral Support Assistant

Mrs K Butler
Year 8 Pastoral Support Assistant

Mrs K Wiseman
Year 9 Pastoral Support Assistant

Mrs S Millan Ramos (on maternity leave)
Miss R Kelly
Year 10 Pastoral Support Assistant

Mrs C Ashton
Year 11 Pastoral Support Assistant

Mrs K Chambers
Sixth Form Pastoral Support Assistant

Mrs L DeLong

Mrs A Montague
Student Supervisor Co-ordinator

Mrs B Martin
Bursar/ Finance Manager

Mrs H Thethy
Finance Officer

Mr C Davis
ICT Network Manager

Mrs P McDaid
ICT Support Technician

Mrs A Brady
Administration Manager

Mrs S King
Cover Manager

Miss S Prescott

Mrs L Palmer
HR/Payroll Administrator

Mrs S Wensley
Admin Co-ordinator

Mrs N Fowler
Admin Support

Mrs C Jackson
Admin Support

Mrs T Large
Admin Support

Mrs M Reynolds (maternity-leave)
Marketing Officer

Mr S Adenle
Facilities Manager

Mr L Mitchell
Premises Manager

Mr C Brewerton
Mr R Reading
Mr C Wood

Mrs A Montague 
Lunchtime Supervisor Co-ordinator

Mrs J Ayres
Mrs C Bishop
Miss T Bodily
Mrs K Dawson
Miss S Dawson
Miss D Fell
Miss A Field
Miss L French
Mrs S Groves
Miss L Tuckey