Career's development
Magdalen invests considerable resources in our programme of Careers information, advice, guidance and support, which is indicative of our continuing commitment to enable all students to achieve academic and personal excellence and to make a positive contribution to global and local communities.
From July 2024, we will be using Unifrog ( as our on-line careers platform. It really is a remarkable resource that supports students through their career journey, from our youngest students to our oldest and beyond. Further information can be found here: Unifrog
The majority of Careers teaching takes place during PCSHE lessons, which are timetabled fortnightly for all students including sixth form. In addition, these core lessons are enriched with work during assemblies and tutor time, targeted towards Year 8s, Year 10s and Year 12s in advance of points of transition but offered to all.
Work experience is offered to all students in both Year 10 (during summer term) and Year 12 students (during spring term). These are both 1 week in duration, and provide students practical knowledge of employment, both positive and more challenging. These, particularly for Year 10, are not intended necessarily as a stepping stone to a career are an opportunity for working with others in an unfamiliar environment where the goals are more ‘task orientated’ than may be typical in school.
Students in KS4 and the Sixth Form are offered a 1:1 Careers Guidance meeting with an independent and impartial, suitably qualified careers advisor through U-Start, an online and real-world external provider. Details and outcomes of these meetings are recorded for use by students later on the U-Start platform. Disadvantaged students are prioritised. Students in other years can request an interview or be referred for one by their Form Tutor or Leader of Learning.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance, incl. WEX Policy 2024
We know that many employers in the UK have concerns about skills gaps and the work-readiness of some young people.
Our aim is to ensure that young people leave our school with the skills, competencies, knowledge, appropriate qualifications and attitudes needed by employers for both their own career development and to enable them to make a positive contribution to their community and to be economically successful.
We need your help. We are looking for passionate employers from businesses and other organisations to help our students and thus shape the future workforce and bring the world of work to life for the next generation.
The following high impact activities are used to work in partnership with businesses to help our students prepare for the world of work:
- Employer talks
- Business site visits
- Mentoring
- Enterprise activities
- Work experience and job shadowing
- Mock interviews and CV preparation
If you can help with an engagement or for further information, contact Ian Horner (Mr) - Assistant Headteacher - Careers Lead:
A regional organisation called SEMLEP (South East Midlands Learning Area Partnership) has produced a webpage with extra Labour Market Information for our area. It can be found here:
To view our Provider Access policy please see use this link and open the Provider Access policy.
Careers Newsletter
Our careers newsletter contains the latest information about current opportunities for local and national careers and training. You can access our latest edition here: Careers Information Advice and Guidance Newsletter
CAREERS update
School is not only about school; school is also about what comes after school, and making sure your choices are achievable when you leave here. Please follow the link to discover information and guidance, apprenticeships and placements, work experience opportunities and open days and more. It’s never too early, and if you’re not getting in front of this, you’re already behind! - Mr Horner
This Padlet is continually being updated so it’s important to check in periodically.
Labour Market information
School Labour Market Information (
An evaluation of the impact of our careers program will be taken in the summer term of each academic year and will be published in this section of our school website. After the majority of the events listed above, all students and their teachers will be asked for their comments. These will be summarised in the aforementioned document and feed into the development plan for the following year. We greatly value the input of students, parents/carers and all other members of our community. If you would like to contribute to this evaluation please contact Ian Horner (Mr) - Assistant Headteacher - Careers Lead: